
About us

Welcome to the EDULABOR Training and Advisory Center


We have been a training company since 2014. The establishment of the EDULABOR Center was preceded by the founders’ many years of professional experience in managerial, educational, and academic areas.

We are pleased to present to you the fundamental pillars of our activity, which are:

  • postgraduate studies
  • training
  • coaching & mentoring
  • mediations
  • social and educational research

Over 7,000 graduates have acquired new qualifications and competencies thanks to the postgraduate studies, courses, and training we organized.

We are a member of the Polish Chamber of Training Companies, the Coaching Chamber, the Polish Mediation Center (Warsaw branch), and we are listed in the Register of Training Institutions.

EDULABOR’s owner is an member of EMCC Poland, European Mentoring & Coaching Council.

Professionalism and emphasis on good relations are the assets and distinguishing features our clients have appreciated for years.

Higher education institutions, which have been our long-term educational partners in the field of postgraduate studies organization, have appreciated the experience and professionalism of the EDULABOR center.

As a partner of higher education institutions, we offer over 50 directions of studies. We also cooperate with universities in building offers, substantive care, designing study programs, and training.

As a training company, we provide services for companies, higher education institutions, and educational institutions.

Currently, over 50 lecturers and trainers work with us.

Our partners include, among others: UNIVERSITY WSB MERITO in Poznań, UNIVERSITY WSB MERITO in Warsaw,  Wielkopolska Akademia Społeczno-Ekonomiczna in Środa Wielkopolska and Uczelnia Nauk Społecznych in Łódź.


Agnieszka Bartosik – Director of EDULABOR

University lecturer, court, civil, and business mediator, certified Insights®Discovery trainer, educational therapist, oligophrenopedagogue. Member of the Polish Mediation Center.

The substantive head of fields of study at several leading universities in Wielkopolska. For many years, she was the director of the Teachers’ Training Institution.



Andrzej Bartosik – owner of EDULABOR

Professional Certified Business Mentor and Coach, life coach, court, civil and business mediator, trainer, academic lecturer, career counselor. Member of EMCC Poland and the Polish Mediation Center. Certified FRIS®

He has 20 years of experience working in a large corporate company in a managerial position. Since 2011, he has been cooperating with universities, sharing his experience as a lecturer and trainer.




Currently, we operate three training brands dealing with different areas:


The EDULABOR brand has been developing cooperation with higher education institutions in the field of organizing postgraduate studies for years. In the EDULABOR company’s headquarters, we organize studies for business and education in cooperation with partner universities.

PRIMUM PACTUM MEDIATION OFFICE is dedicated to our professional activity in the field of mediation. The Primum Pactum Mediation Office offers a full range of mediation services for both companies and individual clients. We have fully prepared mediation rooms in Poznań and Kalisz.

The ABCOACH brand is dedicated to coaching and mentoring work in cooperation with both business and individual clients. As part of ABCOACH’s activities, we also conduct managerial training for companies and institutions. The main coaching activity is carried out at our company’s headquarters in Poznań. We also work throughout Poland at the premises of clients ordering coaching or training.


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